Procedure Description Link


Procedure Description Link


“Based on the data provided, the possible favorable result based on the feasibility of implementing the target activity does not determine the favorable assessment of the license or the affidavit which, as municipal construction and activity proceedings, have to be requested from the corresponding City Hall”

Procedure Description Link
Urban license or Responsible Statement Apply to the town hall of Cehegín for the urban planning license or Responsible Declaration in your case Website

Your answers

Municipality: Cehegín

Soil Classification: Urbano

Does the land have a compatible or permitted use according to municipal regulations?: Si

Does your project require a power generation facility or gaseous fuels?: No

Severe accidents:

       Columna 2 <= Q < columna 3 de las partes 1 y 2 del Anexo I o es establecimiento de nivel inferior

Activities which should be registered online at CARM’s website:

       Registro de aparatos elevadores

       Registro de instalaciones de gases combustibles

       Registro de instalaciones de protección contra incendios en establecimientos industriales

Is it part of Red Natura 2000, protected wetlands or particularly sensitive areas?: No

       Industrias de productos alimenticios

       Leche y productos lácteos

       Instalaciones industriales para fabricación de productos lácteos siempre que la instalación reciba una cantidad de leche superior a 200 t por día (valor medio anual).


This guide is a support tool aimed at helping users to identify the procedures applicable to them when starting a new activity or modifying their existing activity, as well as implying: use of land, environmental impact or industry proceedings, depending on the data entered by the user. This guide is merely for information purposes and it is therefore NON binding. If investors decide to proceed, they should receive expert technical advice to confirm proceedings. The Regional Development Agency of Murcia shall not be held liable for the result obtained in the use of this tool.