INVEST IN MURCIA. Express permit simulator


Invest in Murcia has an Investment Acceleration Unit (UNAI) that facilitates the acceleration of procedures. In this context, we put at your disposal this interactive tool in which, by selecting the main characteristics of the activity to be carried out, it offers as a result the necessary permits and authorizations for the start-up of a business activity.



It is a form where drop-downs appear, grouped by the Urban Planning, Industry and Environment sections. Using the dropdowns, the different available options are selected that help to draw the profile of the business activity. Once the selection is complete, the results page informs of the necessary administrative procedures with links and references to them.



Because it has been designed to simplify the compilation of documentation and facilitate the application processes, allowing better planning for the implementation of a company. With this tool we can have a first advice on the need for an environmental study, an urban planning authorization or the regulations to which the necessary equipment and machinery are subject.

Permit simulator



    Land classification:

    Select the classification of the land where you wish to set up:

    Does the land have a compatible or allowable use according to municipal regulations?:

    Is the activity eligible for an exceptional land usage approval due to public interest? (Art. 104 & ss LOTURM):

    Can temporary usage be considered as per Art.101.1 of Law 13/2015?:

    Is urban planning going to be modified?:

    Do you have an urban certificate?:

    Do you have an urban compatibility certificate?:

    Do you know the status of the developable sector process?:

    *Check with the City Hall the status of the developable sector process*

    *Check with the City Hall to launch the procedure*

    *Construction and usage are possible based on the provisions of Art. 100, Law 13/2015 on Land and Urban planning in the Region of Murcia or planning development in accordance with the Partial Plan foreseen in the abovementioned law*

    *Construction and usage are possible based on the provisions of Art. 100, Law 13/2015 on Land and Urban planning in the Region of Murcia or planning development in accordance with the Partial Plan foreseen in the abovementioned law*

    Can "developable conditions" be assumed?:

    Can "Sectoral impacts" be assumed?:

    Are developable parameters feasible?:

    Is construction and development possible in a simultaneous manner?:

    *Look for another site. Check potential options with the City Hall.*

    *Request an urban certificate to proceed with the process.*


    Power supply:

    Does your project require installation of a power generation source or gaseous fuels?

    Select what matches your installation.



    Severe accidents:

    Check if any hazardous substance used in your company, whether it is a primary material, product, subproduct, residue or intermediate product, is included in column 1 of parts 1 (Categories of hazardous substances) or 2 (Categories of nominated substances) of Annex I to Royal Decree RD 840/2015.(Link: Royal Decree RD 840/2015)
    - If there is only 1 substance, compare the quantity "Q", in metric tons, of that substance to the thresholds of columns 2 and 3 of parts 1 and 2 of Annex I.
    - If more than one substance is used. -> Apply the addition rile of note 4 to Annex I of Roya Decree RD 840/2015, and determine if your facility is within the lower or higher level.
    Select your option:

    If the site is in the port area, send a request to the Cartagena Port Authority.

    Facilities subject to industrial safety:

    Check if you have facilities or carry out activities which should be registered online at CARM’s website


    If your activity is not included within the options of environmental procedures, the reason could be:

            1. That due to its characteristics or siteit is exempt from environmental proceedings and environmental permit,
            2. Due to its singularity, it is not covered by law. in the latter case, assign it to a similar activity and check theRegional Environmental Ministry.

    Red Natura:

    Is it part of Red Natura 2000, protected wetlands or particularly sensitive areas?

    Select the options most suitable for your activity:

    Select your main activity group:

    Stockbreeding facilities specializing in farming and fattening of all types of birds in intensive farms, for both meat production and egg production or breeding. The equivalent number of other birds is as follows: 85,000 chickens for fattening.

    The contamination equivalent for smaller pigs, 2,500 spaces for dry-lot pigs of over 20 kg).

    Meat industries specializing in the slaughter of bovine animals, equidae, pigs, sheep, goats, poultry and rabbits for human consumption. This includes industries dedicated to the preservation and manufacture of meat products which have facilities used to slaughter animals of the abovementioned species, regardless of whether that is their main activity or not.

    Facilities used to produce material-based food product for people or animals. This includes, amongst other, the following activities:
    – Manufacture and preparation of frozen or refrigerated meat or fish products.
    – Manufacture of canned meat or fish.
    – Manufacture of cured or preserved food products.
    – Preparation of precooked, dehydrated, reconstituted or powder food products from animal primary materials (meat, fish, eggs).
    – Preparation of cooked, ready-to-eat food products of animal origin.
    – Manufacture of edible greases and oils of animal origin for human consumption.
    – Manufacture of feed for animals when the main ingredient is of animal origin.

    Facilities destined to the production of food products for people and animals from materials of plant origin, whether these are fresh, frozen, canned, precooked, dehydrated or fully prepared. These facilities carry out the following activities:
    – Production of juices, jams and preserves from fruits and vegetables.
    – Production of precooked food products whose main ingredient is of plant origin (vegetables or legumes).
    – Production of oils from fruits or seeds, including activities to extract from pressings or refined components other than oils, exclusively for human or animal consumption.
    – Production of flours to make food or feed for animals, separating the components of ground grains (shell, flour, gluten, etc.) and preparation of special food products from flours, as well as the production of different types of rice for human consumption.
    – Production of bread and other half-made or bakery products from cereal flours.
    – Production of primary materials for fermentation (starches).
    – Production of malt and beer.
    – Production of grape must and wines and cider.
    – Fermentation and distilleries for alcohol used to make spirits.
    – Production and refining of sugar from beet or cane, including the use of molasses for distillation.
    – Production of non-alcoholic drinks (fruit juices and water-based soda).
    – Production of cocoa-based byproducts.
    – Preparation of coffee byproducts (roast, production of instant coffee or decaf coffee).
    – Production of food products for animals, mainly from plant materials.

    For the following calculation: «A» is the portion of animal material (in weight percentage) in the capacity to make end products.
    Packaging should not be included in the final weight of the product.
    This subsection shall not apply when the primary material is only milk.

    Facilities for manufacture of dairy products and byproducts (milk, evaporated milk or powder milk, cheese, serum, casein, cottage cheese, butter, ice cream, yogurt, curd, cream, mild-based drinks and other products, production of dairy products to mane animal feed, etc.).

    Facilities for crude oil refining, aimed at obtaining different types of products, including gases and liquid and solid products used as combustible material, fuel or primary materials.

    Facilities for crude oil refining, aimed at obtaining different types of products, including gases and liquid and solid products used as combustible material, fuel or primary materials.

    Facilities specializing in the production of combustible gases for partial combustion from coal and other fuels. Produced gas can later be treated for use as primary material in chemical processes or to energy recovery through combustion in boilers, turbines or thermal motors. This group includes facilities dedicated to coal distillation with the aim to obtain condensate liquid products.

    Facilities specializing in power generation by burning any type of fossil fuel and different types of biomass, as well as by co-incinerating waste. Generated power can be used directly as heat or transformed into other useful forms of energy (mechanical, electrical,..) in specific thermal cycles.

    These facilities include those specializing in the manufacture of graphite electrodes for use in furnaces or the manufacture of carbon fiber for special constructions, etc.

    Facilities for production, manufacture or transformation of ferrous metals and alloys by hot rolling, with the aim to obtain semi-prepared and prepared products.

    Facilities for production of forgings. The thermal power used will be the addition of the installed thermal power in all furnaces.

    Galvanization industries or facilities which produce steel coatings, with layers of another cast metal to improve performance, mainly in term of corrosion resistance.

    Smelting of iron, steel and other ferrous metals to manufacture pieces, objects or accessories

    Iron alloy production or steel industry which uses primary or secondary fusion, for example:
    – Production of pig iron in blasting furnaces.
    – Production of steel in converters.
    – Use and removal of tailings.
    – Direct transformation of scrap into steel in electrical furnaces.

    Facilities used to produce metal- or alloy-based finished or semi-finished products (including the metal- or alloy-base) by means of hot processes.

    Industries or facilities producing, transforming or manufacturing any type of metallic or plastic object which are used for one of more of these types of treatments.
    To calculate tank capacity, the volume of all site tanks will be added, except the cleaning tanks.

    Facilities for initial transformation of metallic minerals, as well as any other facility equipped to prepare materials by means of roasting, sintering, calcinating or sublimation

    Facilities specializing in the preparation of metallurgical coke from coal, as material need to manufacture basic cast iron, steel and iron-alloy products in blasting furnaces

    Facilities for production of clinker or cement, including clinker milling plants for cement production when the former is not an essential part of the facility.

    Facilities for production of clinker or cement, including clinker milling plants for cement production when the former is not an essential part of the facility.

    Facilities for lime production.

    Facilities for magnesium oxide production.

    Facilities for manufacture of hollow glass (bottles, jars, pots), flat glass, glass for domestic use, ornamental glass, glass tubes, glass fiber (continuous glass filament for reinforcement), frits, glass for technical applications, insulators, glass for lighting and signaling and any other type of glass.

    Facilities for manufacture of any type of fibers from mineral primary materials. Facilities for manufacture of insulating mineral materials, such as rock wool, slag wool and other minerals. Facilities specializing in the manufacture of glass wool should also be included.

    All facilities manufacturing ceramic products by firing, in particular roofing tiles, bricks, refractory bricks, tiles, stoneware, and structural clay products, ceramic sanitary devices, ceramic items for domestic and ornamental use, porcelains, ceramic articles for technical application, ceramic insulators and insulating pieces, calcined clays, as well as those which manufacture any other type of ceramic piece. These type of facilities should have:
    – a production capacity exceeding 75 metric tons per day or
    – a kiln capacity exceeding 4m3 and with a setting density per kiln exceeding 300 kg/m3

    Chemical facilities and from any other industry which has facilities to manufacture organic products by means of chemical or biological transformation, regardless of their initial primary material or process followed.

    Chemical facilities and from any other industry specializing in the production of polymer products, synthetic fibers and cellulose-base fibers, regardless of their initial primary material or process followed.

    Industries or facilities manufacturing or producing synthetic rubber in primary form.

    Facilities specializing the production of organic dyes and pigments, regardless of their initial primary material or final shape.

    Chemical facilities and from any other industry specializing in the production of these products, regardless of their initial primary material and production capacity.

    Chemical facilities and from any other industry with facilities to manufacture any of these products, involving chemical or biological transformation, regardless of their initial primary material or process followed.

    Chemical facilities and from any other industry with facilities to manufacture any of these products, including inorganic dyes and pigments and involving chemical or biological transformation, regardless of their initial primary material or process followed

    Chemical facilities and from any other industry with facilities to manufacture any of these products, involving chemical or biological transformation, regardless of their initial primary material or process followed.

    Chemical facilities with their own premises to manufacture any of these products, regardless of whether that is their main activity and without consideration for the primary material used, the process followed or the need for chemical or biological transformation.

    Chemical installations in which chemical or biological processing is used for the production of medicines, regardless of their initial primary material or process followed.

    Chemical installations with premises to produce any type of explosive, provided chemical transformation is required.

    Facilities for preparation and pretreatment of natural and synthetic fibers, as well as for textiles and other for dyes and end treatments.

    Facilities specializing in the transformation of raw animal skin into leather.

    Facilities which produce pulp of any type (whitened, semiwhitened or crude) by means of mechanical or chemicals procedures from natural primary materials such as wood and other natural fibers or from recuperated fibers.

    Facilities specializing in the production of:
    – Any type of paper from paper pulp of any type above-mentioned with the possible presence of other additives.
    – Any type of cardboard from paper pulp and other additives, used for industrial purposes such as packing and packaging.
    Facilities in this category can be part (or not) of paper pulp factories.

    Facilities specializing in the production of cellulose from plant cellulose or fibers.

    EXCEPTIONS: sanitary or emergency use, fire protection and extinction, provided they are not located in a Protected Wildlife Reserve, Red Natura 2000 and areas protected by international instruments

    EXCEPTION: those located in zone I, in accordance with the Demarcation of Port Areas and Uses

    Maintenance and reconstruction of these works, as well as works carried out in the service area of ports, are excluded.

    EXCEPTION: works carried out to prevent risks in urban areas

    EXCEPTION: pipe water transfers for human consumption and projects to reuse treated waters.

    Operations for waste recovery and disposal, in accordance with MAM/304/2002 ANEJO 1 Link: MAM/304/2002

    Storage of waste pending treatment for subsequent recovery (R13) or disposal (D15).

    Disposal by incineration and coincineration (D10).

    Disposal by incineration and coincineration (D10)

    Landfills of hazardous waste and non-hazardous waste, including in the latter, those in which urban or municipal waste is disposed of, as established in Royal Decree 1732/2012, dated December 28, which regulates waste disposal in landfills.

    Biological treatments prior to other disposal processes (D8).

    Physical-chemical treatments prior to other disposal processes (D9).

    Combination or mixture prior to operations mentioned in epigraphs 5.1 & 5.2." Combination, mixture, repacking, prior to recovery. R12

    Repackaging prior to any operation mentioned in epigraphs 5.1 & 5.2 (D14).

    Solvent recovery or regeneration (R2).

    Recycling or reclamation of inorganic materials other than metals or metal compound, including the clean of soils aimed at recovering the soil and recycling of inorganic construction materials (R5).

    Regeneration of acids or bases (R6).

    Recovery of components used for pollution abatement (R7).

    Recovery of components from catalysts (R8).

    Oil re-fining or other reuses of oil, such as lubricants (R9).

    Excluding temporary storage, pending collection, at the place where waste is generated.

    Surface impoundment (e.g. placement of liquid or sludge discards into pits, pounds or lagoons etc.) (D4).

    Excluding those included in Royal Decree-Law 11/1995, dated December 28, laying down the rules applicable to the treatment of urban wastewater:

    Biological treatments prior to other disposal processes (D8). Composting, anaerobic digestion and mechanical/biological treatment (R3).

    Treatment of waste as fuel for recovery (R12) or disposal (D8).

    Physical-chemical treatments prior to other recovery processes (R12).

    Excluding those included in Royal Decree-Law 11/1995, dated December 28, laying down the rules applicable to the treatment of urban wastewater:

    Energy recovery through incineration and coincineration (R1).

    Excluding those included in Royal Decree-Law 11/1995, dated December 28, laying down the rules applicable to the treatment of urban wastewater:

    Electrical and electronic equipment waste and end-of-life vehicles and their components.

    Excluding those included in Royal Decree-Law 11/1995, dated December 28, laying down the rules applicable to the treatment of urban wastewater:

    Electrical and electronic equipment waste and end-of-life vehicles and their components.

    Energy recovery through incineration and coincineration (R1).

    Landfills of hazardous waste and non-hazardous waste, including in the latter, those in which urban or municipal waste is disposed of, as established in Royal Decree 1732/2012, dated December 28, which regulates waste disposal in landfills.

    Excluding those included in Royal Decree-Law 11/1995, dated December 28, laying down the rules applicable to the treatment of urban wastewater:

    Biological treatments prior to other disposal processes (D8). Composting, anaerobic digestion and mechanical/biological treatment (R3).

    Treatment of waste as fuel for recovery (R12) or disposal (D8).

    Physical-chemical treatments prior to other recovery processes (R12).

    Facilities where surfaces are treated using organic solvents, either during one of the manufacturing phases (gluing, lacquering, etc.) to clean surfaces (degreasing) or to ensure homogeneous organic solvent spread on the surface, with the aim to paint them or given them a superficial finish. Something common to these activities is the evaporation of solvent to the atmosphere (with or without subsequent recovery), which is a direct cause of volatile organic compound emissions to the atmosphere.
    Some of the main activities are as follows:
    – Facilities in which paint, adhesives or coatings are applied on various surfaces in industries such as automotion, vehicles and other types of machinery and mechanical or electrical equipment.
    – Facilities for application of solvents in surface cleaning or washing.
    – Graphic industry.
    – Wood industry, including the manufacture of boards.
    – Industry for the conversion of natural or synthetic rubber.

    Which are not carried out inside a warehouse in an industrial park, or with any capacity if the activity is carried out outdoors or outside of industrial areas.


    This guide is a support tool that aims to help the user to identify the procedures that would apply to them in the event of starting a new activity or modifying their activity and that involve: land use, environmental impact or industry procedures, depending on the the data entered by the user. The function of the guide is merely indicative, and therefore, its result is NOT binding. If the investor decides to continue, he must have specialized technical advice to ratify the procedures. The Development Institute of the Region of Murcia disclaims any responsibility for the result obtained by using the tool.