5 May, 2023

Primalum to invest €18M to expand its facilities in Lorca

Green light to the Primalum project to expand its facilities in Lorca with an investment of almost €18M and with a creation of more than 100 jobs. The municipality approved last month the reorganization of 22,000 square meters of industrial land in the Saprelorca Industrial Park, with which the company already has the land to carry out its expansion.

Thus, Primalum takes another step towards the construction of the two new warehouses that will be developed in Saprelorca, where it has already been located for more than 20 years. The total area ordered is 21,983 sqm, although these two floors will occupy a space of 15,117 sqm.

The total investment will reach €17.5M divided into two phases. First of all, €11.3M will be allocated in with a job creation of 39 direct jobs and 60 indirect jobs, while the second part – scheduled to be completed between 2026 and 2027 – will cost €6.2M and will generate another 31 direct jobs.

In 2021 Primalum Canales reached a turnover of €17.1 M, which is equivalent to an increase of 33% compared to the €12.7M it obtained in the year of the pandemic. Even more outstanding it is the growth of the Lorca company compared to €9M in 2018, as it implies almost doubling the volume of business in just three years.

For 2022, although the data are not yet available, it already marked a new increase in sales of between €1-3M, so it could reach €20M in total. As for profit, it has remained stable at around €1.5 million in the last three years, which gives the company solvency and reinforces its expansion plans, which will be enhanced after this expansion process that will give it greater competitiveness and the ability to diversify its global offer with the opening of new markets.

Primalum Canales is a company specialized in the work of aluminum that offers solutions in its different applications for industry, architecture and lacquering, where it is positioned as a reference. For the work of this material they carry out a process of electrostatic application of powder in suspension, although it also performs wood effect through the sublimation technique.